Stephen Ministry Care Team

At First Methodist Church Vero Beach

  • I have always been the friend or family member that others felt comfortable sharing with during a crisis or difficult season in life. But last year my best friend lost her home in a fire and shortly after that, her vibrant 18 year old son was diagnosed with cancer and passed away within months. I was at a complete loss for how to help her. That was when the Lord led me to sign up for Stephen’s ministry training. It has been truly transformational for me to understand how to develop a Christ-centered, spirit-led approach to caregiving and allow Jesus to be the CUREgiver. I have the enormous privilege of walking with my friend during this difficult season of her life and I now feel equipped to do so thanks to Stephen’s Ministry training.

  • Randy Hunt has been a member at FMC for almost 20 years.  He appreciates the love and care of the FMC family.  Many members of the congregation have served as care givers when he experienced crises in his own life.  The care he has received from our church family motivates him to continue to serve in ministry.  He felt called to be a Stephen Minister to pay it forward as a care giver to someone who is experiencing a challenging time in life.  His anchor verse is

    “I say this because I know what I am planning for you,” says the Lord.  “I have good plans for you, not plans to hurt you.  I will give you hope and a good future.”

    -Jeremiah 29:11.

  • Hi, I am Carol Hunt, retired education administrator and Counselor for 33 years. My

    husband Randy and I moved to Vero from Kentucky about 20 years ago. We joined First

    Methodist at that time because we felt at home because we were warmly welcomed when we

    entered the church. That warm welcome remains today and now I want to give back as a Stephen Minister.

    “I was taught to live my life according to Matthew 7:12 and strive to do so every day.”  

    “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”

  • Hi. I am Jessica Keegan. Before taking the Steven Ministry class I didn’t not know about the ministry. Now I feel that it is such a blessing and service to our congregation. For those who can use a friend through a difficult time or for those who want to be that friend and support to a fellow parishioner. I often think of Joshua 1:9 “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go”.

  • I always wanted to be a nurse – to help and heal since I was young.  In nursing school I was drawn to psychiatric nursing – those wounded in sprit.  Later in life when I went through difficult times I relied on psalm 34:18 - “The Lord is near to the broken hearted and those who are crushed in spirit”.


    I was blessed with Christian friends to walk with me and encourage me with God’s word and promises.  I learned to know the Holy Spirit as helper and comforter.  The Stephen Ministry is the same calling to me – to serve God by offering back the same comfort I have received and help others find the One Who is the Comforter and Healer.

  • We all go through difficult times in one part of our lives and seek help, listen and support for one another. I became a Stephen’s Minister to be there for those in need, be a good supporter, walk side by side with God by providing the help they need, and know that today I make a difference in someone’s life. “No matter what happens in life, always remember that is something bigger than you can rely on guidance and strength.” ~ Denzel Washington  My Favorite Bible verse is “Ask, and shall be given you; Seek, and ye shall find, knock, and I shall be opened unto you.”                   ~ Matthew 7:7-8

Stephen Ministers:

  • Suzan Blaker

  • Cathy Cooper

  • Doug D’Alfonso

  • Carol Hunt

  • Randy Hunt

  • Jessica Keegan

  • Tricia Miller

  • Griselda Nason

  • Ruth Shaw

  • Mike Stewart

  • Fran Venema

  • Jerry Venema

  • Carolyn Beard- Team Leader (772)696-3573

  • Erik Carlsen- Assistant Leader (772)538-1623

“Stephen Ministry offers a proven and effective way to organize, equip, and supervise a team of congregation members—called Stephen Ministers—to provide high-quality, one-to-one, Christ-centered care to people in the congregation and the community experiencing life difficulties.”