Welcome to FMC

We’re so glad you're here.

Here are some easy steps to help you connect.

Check out a Sunday Service.

We have three services in person and online on Sundays! Join us for Traditional Worship at 8:15am and 11:00am, or Contemporary Worship at 9:45.


Join a group.

An important part of growing in your faith is surrounding yourself with people who will point you to Jesus. Throughout the week, groups of men and women come together in Life Groups to help each other experience growth. If you’re interested in building community and growing spiritually, email our Director of Discipleship, Rachel Becker, and she’ll help you find your perfect fit.

Get your kids plugged in.

Just as you need your people to grow closer to God with, so do your kids! Our Kids and Youth ministries offer a safe place for your kids to learn about Jesus and who they are because of Him, while having the best time. Check it out on our youth and children pages!

Our desire is to help you discover and develop your gifts by offering you opportunities to serve and connect. Whether you are people-oriented or task-oriented, we have a place for you!