About FMC Kids

FMC Kids ministry is for families with children from infants through 5th grade. We exist to partner with parents in helping their children to know, love, and live like Jesus. We accomplish this goal by providing children opportunities on Sunday mornings, Sunday evenings, and Wednesday evenings to engage with the Bible through a curriculum (Gospel Project) that is differentiated for each age group to know Christ and make Him known.

  • Nursery | Infants - 2 years old

    PreK | 3 (Potty Trained) - Kinder

    1st Grade - 2nd Grade

    3rd Grade - 5th Grade

  • Club 345 is our weekly program for third, fourth and fifth graders. All are invited to join us for a time of living out their faith and building lasting friendships through fun and fellowship. We meet each Sunday evening from 5:00-7:00 PM in the CLC Building. We serve a light dinner followed by devotion and fellowship. 

  • Nursery - 5th Grade

FMC Kids Curriculum

FMC Kids Curriculum

The Gospel Project is a weekly Bible study that helps all ages dive deep into the big story of the Bible—God’s plan to rescue His people through His Son, Jesus Christ.

The Gospel Project Details:

  • Chronological study plan - Genesis through Revelation

  • Christ-centered study - All Scripture gives testimony to Jesus

  • Age alignment - All ages learn same lessons

  • Parent resources for devotions at home

Parent Devotion Resource: Click below to access family devotion materials connected to what we cover in FMC Kids this past week.


  • At FMC Kids, we want to partner with you to disciple your kids. Our desire is to create an environment where kids can experience the life-changing love of Jesus Christ, make friends, and have a blast.

  • Of course! Children are always welcome in our Main Services.

  • As soon as you walk into the CLC Lobby, there will be two check in iPads. Please be sure to check in your child and receive a child and parent sticker prior to dropping your child to a classroom. The Nursery, PreK-Kinder and 1st-2nd Grade Classes are all downstairs off the CLC Lobby, while our 3rd - 5th Grade Class meets on the 3rd floor.